• Question: what would you like to change about being in the health zone of engineering?

    Asked by marniem to Tonia, Sam, Emily, Ejay, Edgars, Charnett on 11 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Ejay Nsugbe

      Ejay Nsugbe answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      In regards to this competition?(if yes) Well yesterday, I was a tad unhappy that there were a host of questions which I wasn’t able to answer prior to the 30min chat time window closing.

      Or in regards to working in the area of medical Engineering?(if yes) Too many admin barriers to striking cross-disciplinary collaborations.(..it almost feels like pulling teeth sometimes!)

    • Photo: Emily McNee

      Emily McNee answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      The amount of paperwork. Due to the nature of health engineering it is highly regulated and moving to more digital means of record keeping due to security concerns has been slow. It can also slow the rate of change.

    • Photo: Edgars Kelmers

      Edgars Kelmers answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      I start to notice that health engineering only focuses on consequences, but almost no one is fixing the cause of the problems.

      For example, there are many companies that make medical equipment or medication to treat patient illnesses, but none of those companies go to public to teach that people get sick because they eat unhealthy, work too much, live in polluted city environment, and do not do enough sport activities.

      Lately I start to think that growing good plant food, studying about physical activities and taking care of nature is more important than discovering medications or inventing new machines.

    • Photo: Tonia Tzemanaki

      Tonia Tzemanaki answered on 12 Jun 2019:

      Biomedical and healthcare engineering involves a lot of different people, from different backgrounds. These people need to collaborate to find good solutions to the various problems they are trying to tackle. Often, communication is difficult as they are used to seeing a topic from different viewpoints. I would add more courses at the university where people learn to understand each other and work better in these teams.

    • Photo: Charnett Chau

      Charnett Chau answered on 12 Jun 2019:

      Honestly I’m not sure I’m in the right zone… Biochemical engineering uses living cells to create a lot of things, medicine is one of them, but really its any processes that involves cells so food, biofuels, bioplastics… I also do environmental studies which applies to all fields. I study the health of our environment I guess which is another prospective.

    • Photo: Sam Gaughan

      Sam Gaughan answered on 13 Jun 2019:

      The lack of understanding about how many different types of people you need to work together to actually make new breakthroughs. Its not just one person with an idea, its a whole team, sometimes hundreds of people, all contributing where they can best help.
